What a lovely post Claudia.
You have certainly made me smile!
I hope that all is well with you and that you are warm and cosy and not suffering too badly with bad weather.
Have a lovely weekend and I will try to catch up with your great blog!
What a wonderfully upbeat and, yes, infectious post, Claudia. I am delighted for you, knowing that life is great and that you're overflowing with an inner, comforting sense of well-being. Contentment! I wish for you another truly happy week.
I'm glad you're happy. As for spring, we never had a true winter this year. I hope at least one good snow will hit us in February because I could use a day off. :)
That is one of my very favourite quotes. Yes, your happiness is infectious and has spread all the way across the channel to England! Wonderful!
We should all have days like this. So simple and yet so few and far between. Enjoy it my friend. You certainly deserve it.
I like meeting happy people. I wish I could bottle it and give it to some of my students. Nice to meet you from a to z.
@Fiona - I am so happy to have you back :) happy Sunday!
@Desiree - yes, I am content and watching the clear blue sky outside the window gives me energy to have a great relaxing walk in the woods, love crisp cold sunny days ;)
@Joyce - who knows what the weather still has planned for us? I am grateful that where I leave we did not get so much snow, my poor mom has to clear the path to their home each second hour! but she told me that the exercise does her good!
@Diane - how is the weather in your part of the world?
@Laura - thank you!
@Susan - welcome, I cannot wait for April!
It is 4:00 am her in the Midwestern U.S. and I must say, it was fun catching up on your blog. Your happiness is contagious, Claudia. You have started my day off with a smile.
Such a great quote and so true. I hope your mood stays this happy. Have a lovely evening xo
That is a nice quote. It's one of those quotes that everyone should keep in mind.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
@Linda - thank you for your kind words, glad I am contagious :)
@Mlle Poirot - well life is sometimes surprising, Monday turned to be very stressful but hey! It's over
@Saskia - likewise
@Bonnie - so true!
Thank you, Claudia! I've been having a gloomy day, and this is just what I need to remind me that life is beautiful. :)
Okay, now this is just weird (and very cool!!). I have a YouTube video playing RIGHT NOW that has this same pic on the front. I'm going right now to put it on your wall. :O)
So great that you are so happy. I am feeling pretty good too, and you just reminded me of it! Thanks.
@Beth - this is strange indeed, thank you for sharing!
@Sharon - welcome, happy to oblige :)
by Alice Munro
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