High & Low
Posted by Claudia Moser
3:50 PM
High and Low

Thanks to Belle, the author of a very inspiring blog (Tales from a Loser - who is for sure NO loser) I received the hint for another weekly special, namely High & Low.
She mentiones that one of her blogger friends, Ailin from the blog "Memoirs fo Mrs. Harris (the writings of a military wife)" at http://ailinhandaaron.blogspot.com/ started a similar topic and I thought this is a great idea and I joined in in this spontaneous movement.
Today's Highs
1. Going home - even if I spend only 1 day away from home I am very happy to fly back this evening
2. Ate great sushi - business menu :)
3. Experienced a great winter day, with a crisp cold and sunny weather
Today's Lows
1. Woke up in an impersonal hotel room and was distressed since I did not recognise for a couple of seconds where I was
2. Had a very stressful business meeting with almost no positive results
3. Freezed in Tallinn (-28 degrees last night)
My top 3 only, but to be honest I can define this Wednesday as being quite OK, going home and that is what matters!