Floating experience
Posted by Claudia Moser
1:39 PM
I need to descriebe, even if briefly, my wonderful experience from this morning. With one of my friends I went to a spa to enjoy 45 minutes of floating, which was for sure a new thing for me! To be suspended within salted water, not feeling your weight, just flowing, enjoying the silence and almost darkness. Wonderful! At one point I believe that I was so deeply relaxed, somehow I was just me :) I can only recommend it, it is worth it!
A picture from here in order to explain how it is! In my case the pool was bigger but still great!
Enjoy the weekend, off to have coffee and cake (self-made and based on my own inspiration yesterday, mainly chocolate yummy!) with friends!
A picture from here in order to explain how it is! In my case the pool was bigger but still great!
Enjoy the weekend, off to have coffee and cake (self-made and based on my own inspiration yesterday, mainly chocolate yummy!) with friends!