High & Low

Another Wednesday and this week I am not on the road :) Isn't that good news indeed? For sure I can add it to the high. Nevertheless the next weeks will contain at least one trip per week and this will be challenging. And now a question: shall I buy a kindle? My husband told me that this could be a great solution for me, since I am so often travelling and ut will be easier to read and not to carry so much paper. So what do you think?
On the negative side, I have to admit that the cold is not yet gone, it really is rather annoying to cough, sneeze and have headaches for more than a week now. I hope this will improve soon.
Just wanted to share with you one amazing picture, the tree in my garden announcing that spring is here, this is what awaits for me each morning when leaving for work
Enjoy Wednesday, for me is a good day!