5-line poetry - Joy
Chain inspired by Diana and by Cathy
Sounds of joy, oh, sounds of joy
The happiness you drive in me, boy
The love you manage to employ
The roses you give to me with a smile
Sounds of joy, oh, sounds of joy
Next word: smile
This is a good take.
--Diana Jillian
You did very well with the poem, Claudia. Hope the sun is shining over there for you.
@Diane - it was a mixed day, we had sun, clouds and a bit of rain. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!
The poem is really lovely...how does one participate? I'm not sure if I'm quite up to snuff but I'd love to hear how/where you do this.
@Barb - thank you for the words of appreciation!
@Sush - there is Facebook group called Fun with blogging, if you want I can get you in! Let me know!
Claudia...I think I would like to give it a whirl. Perhaps I can just take a peek or you could tell me some more facts?
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