thank you for outlining all the possibilities! glad you are Not Upset :) I think you covered the prompt perfectly.
Would it help to cross-reference in German?
upset as a verb
1. stören
2. durcheinander bringen
3. kippen
4. umkehren (als in zu Niederlage zu führen)
5. fassonschmieden (archäisch) gesenkschmieden
6. Kummer bereiten
7. die Fassung verlieren
8. umkippen
9. wütend machen
upset as an adjective
1. gewendetes Spiel
2. Durcheinander gebrachter Raum
3. verstörte Person
4. umgekippter Karton
5. krumm vor Schermzen
upset as a noun
1. die Wendung
2. die Störung
3. die Störung
4. das Gesenkschmieden
5. die Störung
6. die Störung
I think you did an excellent job covering all bases. I especially loved #8. Made me smile. Hugs.
@Belle - it is,and somehow I could not find any upsetting event to tell a story about!
@Weissdorn - wow! I am impressed but I shouldn't right? :)
@Barb -actually I was thinking after pressing the post button that I might be at trouble, writing it while at work enjoying my first coffee :) but I did need a nice start for the day, it was in the end Monday :)
I'm glad you have no unhappiness to report.
Your closing made me laugh. I have had look up the definition of the prompt to give me inspiration,too.
I will be returning to your blog a few times to review the definitions...
by the way. is my cursor supposed to read "double click"
Love how you listed all the possibilities!! I still have to tackle this topic and this is a great reference for ideas. Thank you!Well done!
LOL!Just asking myself to answer how those definitions would relate to me would totally upset me. I am glad you didn't and maybe u even realized how lucky u r.:D
@Joyce - me too to be honest!
@Jo - yes it was
@Frizzy Hooker - strange, the double click appears as well, must look at the html coding, thanks!
@Danneromero - welcome
@Brenda - :)
@Jenn - yes, the only theme so far which did not fit my mood
@Kathy - I'm happy I could help a bit
@Feathered Pen - I did, I am very grateful for the life I have
@November Rain - thank you!
@Jenn & Casey - not my best, but still managed!
@Paula - none to report!
It reminds me of a poster I saw in college using another word.
by Alice Munro
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