Exercise is good ;).
I'm with you Claudia. Exercise doesn't come easily to me either. I start off full of good intentions on my exercise bike or my step machine, but it soon fades away. I also use weights for my arms. I do love walking in the fresh air though, so I guess that's something, and from now on, I shall be getting plenty of exercise just dealing with the garden really. Loved the cartoons.
I've been on an exercise kick for awhile now-- although finding time daily is very hard. Great post-- thanks for the laughs!! Cheers, Jenn
I love you choices for today...has me still smiling!
PS I hope your headaches all better...
Oh, thank you for the laugh. I'll have to copy and pin the opening and closing the fridsge door up on ours!
Exercise is an effort but I'm trying because I feel so much better afterwards.
I see a couple of these being printed and put up on my fridge. I'll do that right after I walk, which I am putting off so I can read through the "E" posts for today. Yours will encourage me to actually put on my sneakers and head out when I'm done - cute post - thanks!
Very good post. It's all about choices. Now if I could just take that advice...
I love the last cartoon. Haha!
I was reluctant to open this post when I saw the heading, because I know I don't get enough exercise or always eat the right foods. But thanks for the cartoons! Made me feel a whole lot better!
I am also trying to eat healthier and exercise several times each week. It's not easy, but I find doing just a few minutes of exercise helps! I found you on the Facebook Blog Park page! Check out my blog when you have time! ~ Angela, Whole Foods Living, http://www.wholefoodsliving.blogspot.com/
So funny. In order for me to get in exercise, I have to force myself to go to bed earlier so I'll get up earlier. Otherwise, it will never get done (the exercise, that is).
That is really funny...I enjoy exercising but I only like it when it is warm...
Great E word and nice to meet you!
Most of us could do better, but I am a subscriber to just keep moving and it's all good. I do like to eat natural foods and only once in a while give in to my fast food or convenience food addiction. :)
Loved the laughs!♥
Exercise is definitely something that is hard to talk yourself into. Once you do it, then you feel good. The hard part is convincing yourself you want to. Great post!!
LOL Great post! It made me laugh. I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise again regularly, but it is hard with a busy life and 2 young children. But I'm doing a little better every month, so at least I'm making progress!
Thanks for the laughs! The main problem I have is squeezing exercise into my schedule but I do it anyway. (I have my writing, gardening, book-keeping for both our businesses, plus running errands and housekeeping) My BF helps as much as possible but he's an on call plumber so, it is what it is. I just do the best I can.
I know that exercise is important for a healthy body, but I'm not good at motivating myself to do it. I need to start getting back on the rebounder.
@Diane - I am a walker as well, but for exercising I seem to fail to be disciplined, I guess I must have at least one flaw lol
@Jenn - the cartoons were the distraction, glad t worked :)
@Sush - headaches still there, maybe I am catching a cold, I don't know. Thank you for caring!
@Sherry - good idea!
@Jennifer - good for you, maybe I will get that motivated one day!
@Laura - well said.
@Baygirl - you go girl :)
@Lynn :)
@Beth - glad you enjoyed it!
@Paula - I am happy you did read it nt that bad right?
@Whole Food - thanks you for being around, will visit soon :)
@Christie - I'd rather go to work :) but hey that is me!
@Tracy - thank you for your kind words!
@Jo - love your smile and heart!
@Kathy - will try more! Promise
@Amanda - well yes, i do understand that your life is very busy!
@Jaipi - My my you have a schedule :)
@Susanne - happy I am not alone in the club!
Daily exercise has been on my to-do list for several months now and I still have not been on top of that goal. In fact, your post just reminded me that I need to purchase a set of dumbbells! Fresh foods are a part of my diet though, so I'm happy about that. Now, I need to work on reducing my intake of the processed foods since I tend to maintain an uneven balance between the two.
By the way, this post of yours is too funny! Boy, am I glad to have come across it today.
Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter
@Nicole - I am happy you found me, thank you for your kind words, I hope you will achieve your goal!
Love your cartoons, such a good laugh. I do enjoy exercise, but begrudge the time. In the summer I swim, but it's not warm enough yet, darn it. Most days I start with yoga, which after years of resistance, I turned out to really love.
I'm with those fat guys. Too bad opening and closing the fridge doesn't count as exercise.
Catch My Words
LOL. There's a striking example of how doubling only works depending on how much there is in the first place . . .
The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective
In reference to the last comic:
Sometimes people see what they want to see! lol (thanks for the giggles).
Great jokes! My Hubby's motto is: When I feel the urge to exercise, I lay down until the urge goes away!
Great post for the letter E and it is so true. I agree with John, I just wish I could get started again so I become an addict.
I am a new follower from the challenge & I love your blog especially the cool design. Did you design it yourself?
@Beverly - I also did try the yoga but it did not appeal to me, I don't know why!
@Joyce LOL
@Golden - so true!
@Beachlover - well they do in the end!
@Darlene - your hubby is wise :)
@John - well I never managed to reach that level
@Melissa - welcome, glad ou enjoyed the design, it is not mine, the name is mentioned at the bottom page, I find also very suitable to my posts!
I have a terrible diet at the moment, but now the warmer weather is coming, it's back to salads, and running :-)
Oh, just the thought of the word 'exercise', flashes me back to my Jr. High School days, being forced to do sit ups, and crunches in the school gym.
But we have to get out and take that first step!!! It's the hardest. Thanks for the reminder.
Kathy at Oak Lawn Images
@Sarah - salads are very good in the spring, I cannot wait for fresh tomatoes!
@Kathy - maybe I am also tarred by my school experience, I was only good at basketball, I don't know!
love the jokes!
I cycle for my exercise and stay off bread. which is such a pity as I love it.
I'm new on here but look forward to reading more.
@Jenni - glad you visited! I also love bread and Germany is a country which has so many types of bread, amazing!
by Alice Munro
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