There is no greater treasure than the companionship and love of a wonderful dog. Naila is beautiful...she has chosen her loved ones with care.
Sadly, I travel too much to own a pet. At least i get to hang out with other people's pets!
@Sush - strange that you say that, Peter once told me how he got her and actually she chose him :)
@Karen - yes, she is a beautiful old lady, she is almost 14 years old!
@Paula - indeed, thank you!
@Sean - that I can understand and I think you are right!
Naila truly is a beautiful dog , and it's lovely that she loves you now as well! And of course, the bonus is that it keeps you fit whilst walking with her.
I wish we weren't allergic. but we do love our little gerbils, though their love isn't quite so unconditional....
What a beautiful girl she is, too. Pets are so forgiving and give such unconditional love. We should all be more like that.
Thanks for visiting my 'Opposites' post.
Kathy at Oak Lawn Images
What a pretty dog!! Pets are the best things in the world. :D
Pretty pup! She looks like my mom's border collie, Tippy! ~ Angela, Whole Foods Living, http://www.wholefoodsliving.blogspot.com/
@Kathy - they are super nice, I agree!
@Angela - she is a small St. Bernard dog!
@Luan - so true!
These kind of post are always inspiring and I prefer to read quality content so I'm happy to find many good point here in the post. Writing is simply great! Thank you for the post.
by Alice Munro
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