High school memories
During my high school time I had the freedom of developing my dreams, while looking back I started with the idea of becoming a marine biologist, I found it fascinating to swim with dolphins :) but in the end while checking the possibilities of studying this in Romania I realised that this is not possible.
For a while I drifted around, played with the thought of becoming a lawyer, but did not feel comfortable 100%. While talking with our assigned teacher (diriginta in Romanian, the one who actually took care of us on a regular basis!), I told her that I kind felt lost, I did know which career I should choose. And then, with simple questions (like where do I see myself in 5 years? What do I like to do?) she guided me. She told me that my skills lie within organising things, talking with people (at that time I was the class leader), and the it did hit me. Management!
So here I was applying for the Politechnics where they had a management faculty. And I did not regret it one day! I realise that this is what high school should represent, a place to grow, to discover yourself, and to be a teenager, with all its ups and downs. Great times!