Dearest Claudia,
Oh, view from the office; you must be a lovely working lady♬♬♬
Lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Da lässt es sich bestimmt gut arbeiten, Bänkchen im Schatten...
Lieben Gruß und Sonne im Herzen
@Cloudy - genau so!
@Diane - sorry I did delete per mistake your message, do apologise
Can just imagine you sitting on those benches
and drinking
-Your favourite!!!
Happy weekend my friend.
You are so lucky that you have such beautiful view from your office !I think when you are tired a small glance you will rest you !
@Orchid - this view motivates me and relaxes me when stressed! I am quite blessed to have a view into the green!
@Izdiher - I agree :)
@Jabblog - by spending many hours in meetings or on business trips :)))
@Jill - sometimes I do and enjoy the birds
@Fiona - usually I drink coffee while watching the bench :) how did you guess?
@Tara- it is most of the time
@Luan - my office is not that inviting :)
@Loly - thank you and welcome
@Karen - so do I
@Oldthings - so true, indeed!
Green Day is a song which makes you crazy when you will listen this song, I really love this song and I am too much crazy for this song. So thankful to you for posting this blog.
by Alice Munro
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