Das schaut doch schon mal sehr lecker aus, jetzt brauche ich nur noch jemand der mir solch köstliches Mahl zubereitet...
Lieben Gruß
It certainly sounds delicous Claudia
and healthy too.
Lovely lunch dish
Have a good week
This looks yummy, I love broccoli. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a great day.
@Cloudy - das ist dann deine Aufgabe jemand zu finden :)
@Fiona - thank you, lovely week for you too!
@Eileen - I also like this veggie!
Dearest Claudia,
Oh, looks delicious and I love broccoli♡♡♡
PS> somehow your post doesn't show up in my dushboard like a coulpe of other my friends... But I'll visit you, my friend♬♬♬
Lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
@Miyako - maybe blogger plays some tricks, sorry to hear that you don't see my updates!
This looks awesome! I am pinning this! Thanks!
Stopping by from Thee Networking Blog Hop! Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can.
I host Mom's Monday Mingle on Mondays. Love to have you!
I'll definitely have to try this! My kids love broccoli, surprisingly! I'm a new follower from Thee Networking Blog Hop, and I'd love a follow back at http://www.two-in-diapers.blogspot.com when you get the chance!
by Alice Munro
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