Lieben Gruß am Sonntag und ganz viel Sonnenschein...
I remember those days and miss the screams for "Mom" at our house--but not too much. Empty nesting isn't bad!
You captured the essence of single parenthood and "quiet" moments very nicely. Well done! I could nearly smell the cold cream I used to swath my face in! lol! thanks.
I feel like you were peeking in my bathroom oh those many years ago! And now when the grand kids are here for a wonderful visit, I relive those bathroom moments.
You got it exactly right.
I think most women will relate to this post, Claudia. So lovely to grab a little 'me' time, especially when you have little ones.
You created a very realistic and lovely escape!! Nothing better than a soak in a nice hot shower.
@Cloudy - wir hatten tolles Wetter die letzte Tage!
@Joyce - lucky you
@Humor after 50 - glad you enjoyed my thoughts
@Jo - good :) since I did not experience these moments, all I can rely upon is observation
@Diane - thank you
@Kathy - so true, a shower does its magic also after a long tiring day!
Ah yes, you captured those special moments that mom's can have in their bathroom! Love it!
by Alice Munro
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