Don't Speak
Week #6-- A Sweet Memory with a Song
under The Writers Post
Do I remember correct the saying: you have to kiss many frogs till you get your price? Wonder who said it?!
Anyway, the song above from No Doubt, was THE SONG for my second boyfriend and me.
I met him in the university, we were colleagues and somehow we ended up together. I never knew why, if he did like me, of love I didn't dear to think, but still being the year's nerd (sorry Beth!) I felt that finally someone looked beyond my mind and also saw a woman. I have to admit that I was most likely boring, faculty representative in the university's senate for 3 years, best student for 5 years (with scholarships etc.), and in the end voted the best student of the faculty. I always loved to learn and somehow having a boyfriend was a sidetrack event in my life. But then Florin came and having him was fun, going to the cinema, having long walks and also talking to someone about school and getting feedback.
How silly I was!
Somewhere towards the end of my last year, I noticed that Florin is no giving me much attention. Being busy to study for the finals and getting my final paper done (a complicated marketing study), it did not bother me much. Until one day I saw him with another girl. So we talked and he told me bluntly that he never loved me, that he actually considered me a great ticket to get through the university since being associated with the nerd (a word he used) it got him better grades. And he left! Somehow I was frozen, I did not understand what was going on. So I continued to study and not wanting to think.
Flashforward a couple of months.
Sitting at home, in the kitchen talking to my mom while she was cutting some vegetables while the radio was running in the background. A typical Sunday morning in our home. My exams were behind me, I was actually DONE, happy, and exhausted.
And then, a voice comes at the radion telling his audience that you could call in and make a dedication via a song. Suddenly Florin's voice comes on the air and he starts to say how much he is in love and he would like to dedicate the song Don't Speak to his current girlfriend. And then it hit me! He only used me and I realised that 4,5 years were a lie.
What I learned out of it? You do not need a favourite song to share in the relationship, you need to share music, laughter, love and respect. And this is what was worth waiting and kissing a couple of frogs!