What do you love?

What do you love is the the question Darlene posted under this Friday's BFF theme and it is indeed challenging because in the end what do I love?
The obvious and fastest answer: my mother, my grandmother, my husband, my father, my brother, my other grandmother, well my family! But also my friends, who are the chosen family and who will always be there, loyal, dear and caring.
But what else?
Driving with my little red car on a autumn afternoon with the windows down and enjoying the speed and the sun!
Cathing a smile from children in the park
Naila asking me for cheese
Discovering the perfect pair of shoes for my collection, which is growing each month.
Getting an amazing comment on my blog which brightens my day and allows me to forget all the worrying work issues
Noticing that my presence makes people happy
Traveling with my husband
Chatting with my niece who is in Edinbourgh and listening to her talks
Getting a phone call from my brother at 8am just to get re-assurance that all will be well and he did make the right choices!
Drinking a nice cup of coffee under the morning sun, or in the afternoon, actually at any time :)
Finding new wool for knitting, like in the small shop in Tallinn, which was simply breathtaking!
the list could actually go on for ever, it is true that there a thousand things you love! Good point!