Another award

Am I not a blessed blogger? Two awards in one week! Thank you Jenn, very kind that you have thought of me.
The rules?
1. I must tell 7 things about myself
2. I must pass this award on to 15 other bloggers!
So let's start with item no 1:
- I only wear silver, somehow gold makes me uneasy
- Currently my favourite colour is again blue, like 10 years ago! Should In interpret anything under this? :)
- I love coffee (I know this is not new for some of my followers, but I truly love coffee!)
- I don't like to use lipstick
- I love my orchids
- My favourite winter relaxation in the evening is ... knitting of course!
- I like watching football :)
And now to hard part, the decision for item no 2. Here we go:
Thisisme from Southhamsdarling
Barb from This and That (As I bounce through life)
Belle from Tales from a Loser who is sometimes a Winner
Jilda from Transformation Information
Rick from Life 101
Becky from Just Being Me
Emma from Gawgus Things
Laura from A simple Happy Life
Langley from My rich and random life
Diana from Random Blogging Writes
Joyce from Catch my words
Fiona from Raindrops and Daisies
Brenda from Raised Eyes
Carol from Facing 50 with Humor
Michelle from Hot Pink Combat Boots
Please spread the award as you wish :) And thanks Jenn :)