Some reasone:
- cooked pumpkin yesterday
- decorate my table with orange
- bought sweet potatoes
- I wore an orange sweater
- I want this

and I coloured my hair ... copper! The proof below

Not a bad choice I think! And you?
Cool....Love it.
I love that haircut. I have attempted to explain the cut I want to numerous hair dressers. I come out with a straight bob or an all over layered cut every time. I found pics on the internet, cropped them and provided 4X6 glossies... No, that didn't work either. Last week, knowing that once again, I will get a haircut different than what I ask and in a moment of frustration, I cut my own hair! HA! I can screw my hair up just as good as a licensed/trained hair dresser..... So there! LOL
I do love that color. Nice cut/nice color...I am officially jealous. hahaha
@Izdiher - you love orange as well? :)
@Sarah - thanks it was worth the wait for 90 minutes!
@Darlene - well I tell you what! Come to Germany and you will get it :) and thank you!
@Karen - I've just told my husband that I am afraid that after a wash my hair will look pink :))))
Love the copper! I've dyed my hair all shades of red and it is fun. I want that drink too!
I love the hair color - very nice! The autumn offers so many beautiful colors - I like it a lot.
Have a lovely Sunday!
Hugs x
@Belle - well I thought I should try something else to match the nature :)
@Eva - thank you :)
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