Safe haven

Posted by Claudia Moser on 4:30 PM in , ,

“You never answered my question, about what you want to do with your life.
Maybe my dreams aren't that complicated. Maybe I think that a job is just a job.
What does that mean?
Maybe I don't want to be defined by what I do. Maybe I'd like to be defined by what I am.”
― Nicholas Sparks, from Safe Haven

What am I? A reader, someone who considers books like small treasures. For me each book creates a wonderful escape, a special world from you feel safe and protected.

Today I spend 6 hours in one amazing place, the biggest book fair in the world, where I had the pleasure of discovering some great titles:

Agatha Raisin There goes the bride by M.C. Beaton
The last one missing from my collection, this wil be my tonight's delight!

The Provence cure for the brokenhearted by Bridget Asher
A chick lit but you need this as well!

Arise Sir Jamie Oliver by Stafford Hildred and Tim Ewbank
Most likely at the end of this read I will find many new things about my favourite chef

Cat flaps and mousetraps by Harry Oliver
The origins of objects in our daily lives, why not? Most likely very funny!

Where's my dinner by Moyra Fraser
Recipes for busy people, should be handy!

Sacre Cordon Bleu vy Michael Booth
How to become a French chef, it was described as very entertaining.

Handmade holiday crafts by Martha Stewart
Already did take a look and there are so many ideas for Christmas!

From mother to daughter, traditional housekeeping for the modern home by Vivienne Bolton
I already started it and it so lovely!

What about you, which is your safe haven?

P.S. This is dedicated to this weekly theme under the GBE2, Safe Haven!



Good post about your very own safe haven my friend. You've now answered my question on your other post, about how many books you came home with! You've certainly picked an excellent mixture there, and I'm sure you will have hours of happy reading.

@Diane - yes, books are a wonderful escape!

Going into a bookstore or fair is an exciting adventure for me. I love books and you made some great choices here. When I was little, I remember hugging my favorite books and I still feel like doing that!

@Belle - yes, I also cherish my books, they are true friends!

What a great haul! You should have some fun with that lot :-)

There certainly is something safe about being stretched out across a sofa with a book in hand.


@Sarah - will do for sure!
@Joyce - so true, especially in winter!

I love books--and book stores and book fairs!! What a treat it is to be able to attend the biggest book fair in the world!

I have an award for you!! Please stop by here http://www.wine-n-chat.com/2011/10/tell-me-about-yourself.html to pick it up!!

Cheers, Jenn.

You know I love a good book! You did a great job of mixing it up with these selections.
Love to browse through book titles.
Kindle works for me! lol

Anonymous says:

Good post.

Ohhh I could lost in your choice of books, Claudia! I know they'll be great companions for you on your many working excursions! Hugs~

@Jenn - it was indeed very special and it became a tradition for me on a yearly basis. And many thanks for the award, I will have to come up with some ideas now :)
@Jo - I am sure Kindle has all the titles as well. For me having a book in my hands is simply magical :) but for travels Kindle works its magic!
@Diana - thanks :)
@Sush - so true! :)

Oooh I love to lose myself in good writing. There are books I read over and over again, like visiting old friends. It comforts me and makes me happy.

@Cherie - a lovely description, thank you!

I don't know...the kind of books I read might not be so safe. : - ) Could die of a heart attack from the excitement.

@Angela - do tell! :)

Anonymous says:

Books provide a wonderful escape from the stresses of everyday life. Nice take on this topic, Claudia!

@Beth - you know me by now, I simply love books!

Great post on reading and books. I get my safe haven from reading all you and the other talented writers posts.

@Laura - nicely said!

Anonymous says:

Thanks for all the great book recommendations! What a variety! Yes, books are a healthy way of escaping. There is nothing like having some time where you can curl up in a cozy spot and go somewhere far away in a book.
Nice blog!

@Beachlover - so true what you said of going away within a book! Thank you for dropping by!

It's getting to be that time of year when a hot coffee, a fire in the woodstove, a clean ashtray and a good book are what the doctor ordered....

@Hank - except the cigarette fully agree with you :9 I am a non smoker :))

I can certainly get lost in a book - when I can find the time. Unfortunately, for someone as hyperactive as me, that isn't very common. That is why short stories and I get along so well. However, I'm hoping to change that and get back to enjoying novels as soon as I get my household projects done. (I have many and I do stay busy)

You got a couple of books there I'd like to read. Going to go to Amazon and see if I can get them on my Kindle. ;-)

@Darlene - I hope you will enjoy them, at least some :) I'm with Martha this afternoon!

Nice approach, I agree 100%.

@Langley - thank you!

Cool approach! I love books too!


Anonymous says:

I enjoyed your artistic themes. Love Jaime Oliver too. http://kbalbify.com

@Kathy - thank you!
@KC - yes, he is simply great!

always LOVE where you take us..and wow pics of the books! Funny wouldn't have chose not one of those to read! LOL always medical or spiritual now, before it was management material for my graduate degree..you dear heart are so REFRESHING!!

Like you, i too LOVE books. I have my special few in a huge library and don't know where i can put them now that we are going to downsize. Letting go can be so emotional..and to think that energy is connected with so many of them!

@Brenda - that is what I always find amazing, how the tastes in books are so diverse!

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"A story is not like a road to follow … it's more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the room and corridors relate to each other, how the world outside is altered by being viewed from these windows. And you, the visitor, the reader, are altered as well by being in this enclosed space, whether it is ample and easy or full of crooked turns, or sparsely or opulently furnished. You can go back again and again, and the house, the story, always contains more than you saw the last time. It also has a sturdy sense of itself of being built out of its own necessity, not just to shelter or beguile you."
by Alice Munro

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