She is one of my first German friends, and we met in a very original way.
At the beginning of my stay in Bad Homburg I was travelling to Oberursel, where was my office was located, with the train, the S-Bahn. Somehow with time I developed a routine, I was taking the same train, at the same hour each morning. And so were many other people and after a while you start to greet each other even if you haven't met that person before or didn't have a clue who she / he was. Anyway among the 'regulars' one lady was always there, no matter the weather, the mood, the day. Also she was using the same station as I did as final destination. And one day we were stuck in one of the stations in between so we decided (at the same time) to walk towards the office. And somehow I said Hello and isn't this really annoying. And then we chatted, we talked and the chemistry worked. She has almost the same age as my mom, but with her I feel comfortable, I can talk no matter what, she always understands. She is a great mom, wife, designer (in the past she worked at the same company as I did, coincidence right?) and a good friend. And today she will come to visit, so I can't wait to catch up.
Below some pictures from my morning walk, I decided to buy some lovely cakes from my favourite coffee shop and I could not stop smiling. We have 24 degrees (Celsius), blazing sun, great atmosphere. Simply WONDERFUL :)

Old town

Little corner house

Lovely yellow flowers