High & Low

Another Wednesday, still a sad day, somehow getting back to normal day to day business isn't so easy. In order to define this week's special, I truly have to focus pretty hard.
(very tough today to be honest)
- the sun is shining, a pretty April day, no rain
- a lot of support from friends coming over, I only can appreciate that and be thankful for their presence
- (a special one) only 1 more week away from my trip back to Romania, for Easter holidays (this made me really smile)
- on the road again, Estonia of course, 3 days
- sadness still present, especially after finding one un-read email from Heinz
- 2 nights without my husband arms to sleep in
I just found out that the wonderul puppy (Romeo) belonging to Desiree is gone, this was also so sad, he was so full of life, so adorable. I am truly feeling for you Des!