High & Low

The weeks are passing by with the speed of light, I can't believe that we are almost in June, 5 months from the beginning of the year, 2 months since my new job. So much attention, lots of stress (and not always a good one!), so many hours spend on travelling. Nevertheless today, Wednesday, is spend at home (well partially since I was at work since 7 in the morning and came home at 6 in the evening) and I can say that it is wonderful indeed.
To summarize the highs
- home, pure and simple
- watching a nice old movie Sneakers with Robert Redford, remember that one?
- had a nice dinner with hubby, in the memory of Paris - French collection of various types of cheese, yummy!
The lows, hmm
- very tired after 10 days of not being at home, it takes its toll on itself and on the house as well, just to consider how much I still need to clean :)
- one of my flowers did not survive my absence, poor dear! I will have to find a new one
- doggy woke me up at 5am, even if I love Naila, it was really early :)
I hope you are all well, enjoy the Wednesday!