I've been TAGGED :)

As far as I could tell the first task is to answer a couple of questions, so here we go!
Do you think you are hot?
Well I don't have fever at the moment so no :) Well, maybe this a question for my husband, I'll inquire! LOL
Upload a picture or wallpaper you are using at the moment.
A wonderfu sunset in Narva, isn't this simply amazing?

When was the last time you ate chicken?
On Sunday, pretty good with asparagus!
What songs have you listened to lately?
Enescu, while researching for my Z-A Blog Challenge, see link
What were you thinking while doing this.
That I'm having fun with the May challenge and that I have only 4 letters to go, yeah!
Do you have any nicknames?
Yes, my husband calls me Hase, German for rabbit.
I am to tag 8 blogger friends, and this is hard! So many to add here, so I thought to send the tag my latest followees and followers
Hot Pink Combat Boots
Word Nerd Speaks
A simple happy life
Just some thoughts
A cool writers journey
By the beck
Suze Weck
May I prolongue the list? This is so hard! Actually I would like to tag you all, followers who spend time and read my thoughts! Why did I chose you? Because I'm grateful for your comments and support, thank you! I know I bent the rules a bit, but I'm sure I'm forgiven right Belle?
Tag - You're It!