Versatile blogger

The rules are pretty hard, first of all since I need to divulge ten things about me, and I need to focus a bit now, in order not to repeat the same as before :) :)
1. My mother and grandmother are coming to visit for 2 weeks, they are on the plane right now. We both are so excited. Hubby and I really hope they will have a great time with us!
2. I prepared one surprise tomorrow for them :) brunch at a fancy restaurant, fingers crossed! Hope all will be fine and they will enjoy the meals.
3. Despite having them here, and me actually supposed to be on holiday, I need to travel to Estonia tomorrow for an important meeting on Monday. Plus I need to work Tuesday and partially Wednesday! Not funny :(
4. I'm going to bake a cranberry and raspberry cake, yummy!
5. In the background an old series of the Ballroom dancing is playing. Love Brucey :)
6. I found a lovely blue necklace. I have colour stages in my life, currently I returned to blue, mainly jeans!
7. Bought lots of roses, each room of the house has some :)
8. Can't wait to start my first Alice Munro book, I got it today, yeah!
9. Love coffee, guess this is old news, but it's great to read or write with a nice cup :)
10. Tonight is football night! Barca vs United meaning a nice funny evening in front of the TV, funnily enough mom and granny as well as I, we are big football fans!
And now the hardest part, picking 15 bloggers to pass it on! Oh dear me, this is not so easy! The order is purely random!
Conquering the world
Bouncin' Barb
Just being me
Driftwood Ramblings
Write from the heart
That girl from around the bay
While life passes by
The simple life
Queen of English
Life 101
Kris & Kel
Hot Pink Combat Boots
Thank you once more!