The first thoughts were CTRL + ALT + DEL, one action which I do pretty often, on a daily basis actually, at least 10 times, but I guess I will not be original writing about this keyboard combination. Thought abandoned!

Picture from here
Then I remember my first childhood memory, me wandering about. But since yesterday we had a very active and dinamic discussion about
quote from Gill
where do you draw the line? Being as most of us blog and then share our links on FB, it is reasonable to assume that most of us have our blogs visible/readable to friends and family. Where do you draw the line in what you write?
I gave another thought and changed my mind. Nevertheless maybe one day I will tell you the story, it is rather representative for my education.
Break, break cried my mind. I was focusing too much on the topic without actually getting anywhere, thus decided to take a long walk with hubby, to the region celebration, called Hessen Tag. The weather is not so appealing, rather grey and cold, but a long walk clears the mind and tones the body, right?
We ended up walking for 4 hours, we did at least 12 kms (on foot!) and we had so much fun.
And as life usually is, you get inspiration where you less expect it!
What amazed me (and mind you I went there for the second time), is the level of control they have everywhere. A lot of police, private security. I do not know if they are worried of some attack, or simply think of extra drinking. Anyway some of the snapshots from today and some of my comments / thoughts I had while taking the pictures.
This is how the Germans control even the parking space:
Can you see how straight the lines are? They all looked the same!
And a very simple way to show the exit, mark it with chalk!
Then each crossing is watched by a guard in order to keep the cars from entering the streets.
In case a guard is missing, according to hubby, no worry! The Germans have self-control, and trust me they do, they would never cross the line!
In case you are in need of cash, no worry!
Very controled entry towards the train
This is German order and efficiency at its best, and it gave me enough material for the control post while having fun. What else can a girl want?
Happy week!