Money Tree
While returning from Koeln, I went on line to check what Beth will post for this week's GBE 2 word and with much surprise I discovered the below picture

And as life has it sometimes, I got the inspiration in a second! This is modern art, an interpretation concerning money, growth, source, development (as I learned today, modern art represents different concepts, view for each beholder) and what did I enjoy today? Amazing modern art pictures from Picasso to Matisse to Macke and Ernst. This post just flew into my mind, during the train ride I was mentally chosing my favourite pictures from today's visit, so here is my collage, and I hope you will enjoy my jump from the money tree to Museum Ludwig exhibition.
Georg Herold, Untitled, 1991 - caviar on his painting!
Jackson Pollock, Black and White No. 15, 1951
Joel Shapiro, special exhibition
Salvador Dalí, La gare de Perpignan, 1965 - the one which impressed me a lot!
Man Ray, Return to Reason, 1939
Pablo Picasso, Nu couché à l’oiseau, 1968
Pablo Picasso, Arlequin, les mains croisees, 1923
Henri Matisse, Women and monkeys, 1952 - an amazing collage using blue paper and beige guache
Kasimir Malewitsch, Supremus nr. 38, 1916
Robert Delaunay, Endless Rhythm, 1934
And my absolute favourite - painting by August Macke, The lady in green jacket, 1913
After today's visit I have learned that the modern art is in search of perfection, either in colour, technique, perspective. For me it was a wonderful experience!