High & Low

A very unusual Wednesday for me, and to be honest I do not know how should I better describe it. Most likely as very very sad.
The most pregnant event today was the news that a colleague of mine had a apoplexy, that he went an emergency operation in a foreign city and that I do not know what happened afterwards. I truly hope that all went well and I cannot wait to go to work tomorrow since I might find out some more.
The first sad news of the day was the fact that a valuable team member has resigned, without any prior notice. He is young, dinamic, very intelligent and I had high hopes for him. Now he chose a different path, which I respect but still I am affected.
Luckily the day was brighten in the end by the package which I receive from Amazon, the book which I cannot wait to read, Carol Wyer's debut novel, Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines. More details here. I will keep you posted on my reading progress.

Sorry for the not so good news, but such is life!