Road Block

Am I the road block in the way of colleagues' development? I want to tell you a story which happened today.
I used to be a senior purchaser in the company I work for, and appereantly I did quite a good job since I was promoted this spring as project manager (this was always my professional identification, I have worked prior for 9 years as project manager).
Nevertheless this means that I still know a lot of issues linked with purchasing and that I am able to identify problems quite fast.
Currently the project purchaser active in my project is a former colleague, over 50 years, with 20 years of purchasing experience in his back, but in the current company for the last 3 years as I am.
Today I identified that he did not do an important task for the project, I called him, explained him the situation and basicall got an answer: Let me be, why do you comment? In the end I have more than 20 years experience and what do you know? I actually felt insulted by the conversation and I believe in the end neither of us was very specific.
So here I am talking with my ex boss about the situation and his view is that I actually offended my colleague, that I am doing a quality control for his department. Well I wasn't, I just wanted the problem to be solved fast and within rules (which was not the case). And as it turns, my colleague (a guy btw!) felt attacked and that is why he reacted as he did. Plus I was anyway too fast before, nobody was able to keep up the pace with me. So now I wonder: shall I lower my standards? am I comparing others with my performance? am I a road block?
To be honest I am frustrated because I know nothing will get better, the status quo will remain as it is, so what next?
P.S. This is not only my frustration post but it fits perfectly the weekly theme under The Writers' Post called Road Block, such is life!