Brilliant post! I love it! So true. All the calendar hype reminds me of something Edgar Cayce said when asked where one should live to escape the predicted disasters. Edgar Cayce said "I should not be so concerned about WHERE I live as about HOW I live." I read that as a teen and NEVER forgot it. We should live our lives as well as we can and let all that garbage fall by the wayside...
thank goodness the world won't be ending soon... thanks for the info. LOL
funny post...
I love the Mayan cartoon! So funny. I never believe all these crazy predictions.
I had no idea the world was ending next year...oops ;-)
Wishing you (for what remains of it anyway) a wonderful and very happy new year. May it last until 2013 ;-D
Gruss & Kuss aus London xo
End of the world happens for the ones who are killed suddenly for no fault of theirs.
Innocent people are dying everyday due to terrorism and air strikes which certainly is end of the world for them.
Planet is coming to an end is another expected reality which we should be prepared and the preparation is our good deeds for entire suffering humanity.
The death DAY of the EARTH is unknown. Can't be predicted.
@Belle - neither do I, but it was a great opportunity for business!
@Mlle Poirot - you haven't missed a thing :) Danke schön!
@Beachlover - well I like to smile and laugh!
@Tariq - you are right that there is much sufference around the world! We must never forget that!
We cannot live fearful of tomorrow or we miss today. Just love the cartoons and know, as you do, that living now is all we have anyway.
♥ it
by Alice Munro
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