Pet Peeve?
And then I started thinking! Where is my inspiration? What am I suppose to write? To be honest I kind of lost track of any worthy idea, but then it hit me, I could actually reveal something about me, something I know get on people's nerves, even if most are too polite to mention it.
I confess - I do love a clean house!
To start with an example: I need to vaccum all the time when Naila is with us, I love her to bits, but her hairy traces are really really annoying.
I do hope that I am not yet a freak (and never be one), don't get me wrong, I can sit on my armchair and not jump at the sight of small crumbs identified on the floor (well I do control the jump, trust me LOL)
Another example, a visual one this time. My husband used this collage to explain marriage, for me this is clearly an indication that a clean side bed always looks better, agreed? :)

What I hope is that I don't get too much on my husband's nerves, in the end I love his patience, his look when he notices that I have to start cleaning again (you know what I mean? understanding, loving and just a bit of wondering why now!), his presence. Just I do like to clean :)