Do over? For sure!

Posted by Claudia Moser on 6:35 PM in ,
A winter crisp day, with the sun slowly finding its way into the room, waking up the sleeping Kate, who suddenly opened the eyes and realized today is the day. But then it hit her, the memory ...

Kate was still considering it, shall she or maybe not? It was indeed tempting, was it not the dream of all girls? Martin looked still skeptical, her brother was actually the one who supported the idea, but as time passed (and boy did Kate need a lot of time to decide!) he didn't like the idea anymore.

 Joseph was as confused as her brother, he only wanted to kiss a girl, and hey if that girl would be Kate why not? He was not picky. He waited patiently, thinking of the deal, a kiss for his mos valuable treasure he owned and was so proud of.

Oh, Kate, was thinking, what am I getting I to? Who made me propose all of this, but in the end her cousin told her that this is the best event in a girl's life and who was her to argue? A kiss, only a kiss right? And she will see how her brother and his best friend will ever make fun of her. Plus she will get to see their fort, and she was so curious, so she had to move on.

Decided, Kate rushed to get some witnesses and Martin picked up the Bible to start the ceremony. Off they went, after Kate's brief head approval, towards their favorite place, the fort, but a mystery for her. Kate was kind of dissappointed, nothing glamorous, just a narrow building, not much light, but what do you expect when Martin and Joseph plan something? A palace? No way!

Martin starts to get impatient, so here it goes:

- Will you, Joseph, take Kate as your lawful wife?

 Kate interfered, something is missing from your line, she said, but Martin ignored her. 

- Well do you?

 Joseph thought of the kiss, the one thing he was actually looking forward and said:

- Yeah!

- And you Kate will you obey Joseph?

- That does not sound right to me, but if I have to, yes!

- You may kiss the bride!

And the moment was there, Kate closed the eyes and Joseph touched her briefly. Not the kiss they both expected, but the exchange did take place, Kate was the owner of two baseball cards plus she had the chance to see the fort.

And now here she was, 20 years after, with a do over ahead, funnily enough the same main actors involved. her brother Martin, the priest, Joseph, the love of her life (less she knew when she was six years old that her brother's best friend is the one she was always looking for) and Kate, the little sister who at their first marriage has her dolls as witnesses.

Marriage, second attempt, but this time for life!



This is precious! Love it.


Very sweet!

I like your blog! Beautifully written! Got to be a member here! Come for a visit, I write in English and Finnish, live in Austria. www.athomewithsofia.blogspot.com Greetings, Sofia.

Anonymous says:

That was some do over! Great story.

I loved this story - so sweet.

I love it. What an adorable story. Very unique.

A very sweet story. :-)

Oh, forgot to add, I found my way here via the A-to-Z blog list :-)

Aawww!!! Such a sweet and rare story!!!

What a cute story!! I love a happy ending!!

Anonymous says:

A perfect happening of the heart. Nice post Claudia

Why Claudia you old romantic you! Lovely story and nice duck out on the do-overs you don't want! Me either. ♥

Best kind of do-over :-)

@Joyce - thank you, the situation is indeed precious!
@November Rain - thank you!
@Sofia - welcome, following you as well! thank you for being here!
@KAT - well the most beautiful I could imagine :)
@Belle - hope to too sweet :)
@Barb - tried a bit of creative writing ;)
@Twresa - thank you!
@Feathered Pen - thanks
@Latisha - me too, I admit!
@Gene - what a lovely description, thank you
@Jo - I had to find a way out, right? So here I getting romance out :)
@Sarah - so true!

This was such a great story and reminded me so much of when I married my husband. I was terrified of making another mistake. Shaking in my boots I went through with it and we have been together 14 years in September. You captured that feeling perfectly!


@Kathy - thank you for this lovely comment!

How sweet, loved it

Anonymous says:

I enjoyed your story. My wedding vows. My husband - I promise to treat you like my queen. Me - I promise to keep life interesting. So far we have both kept our promises and it works well.

I loved this take on do-over! What a sweet story!! Cheers, Jenn

@Anna - thank you!
@Kay - what a lovely promise
@Jenn - not too sweet I hope!

Love this story...did you base it on anyone you know? Just curious...!

Lovely story!

@Sush - sometime a story is buried within, I don't know where it's coming from!
@Paula - that coming from you is very precious!

Oh that was lovely. I adore the idea of that first ceremony and all their small reasons for going through with it, not realising how important it really was. Bravo, Claudia!

@Gil - thank you, it was nice to imagine it!

Awwww cute - dolls and witnesses and all ;-)

Very cute story.

@Kenya - well yes, you need them right? :)
@Suzy - thank you!

Anonymous says:

So sweet!

@Beth - thanks!

Anonymous says:

Nice story, Claudia! Andy thank you for bringing back memories of how excited I was when my mom bought me a wedding dress for my Barbies and I had a Ken doll. What a perfect wedding it was! :D

Beautiful story.

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Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them all!


"A story is not like a road to follow … it's more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the room and corridors relate to each other, how the world outside is altered by being viewed from these windows. And you, the visitor, the reader, are altered as well by being in this enclosed space, whether it is ample and easy or full of crooked turns, or sparsely or opulently furnished. You can go back again and again, and the house, the story, always contains more than you saw the last time. It also has a sturdy sense of itself of being built out of its own necessity, not just to shelter or beguile you."
by Alice Munro

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