C - Create something exciting.

Find your passion and follow it, you will not regret it!
Pictures from here, here, here and here.
I like the pink stripped one!! Great post Claudia!
Cheers, Jenn
Love to knit, cook and be outside...oh, and I love reading posts and blogging. he he
My strongest passion is, of course, writing anything.
ooooh i love them...especially the blue and brown one... :) you need to sell them :)
I love cosy blankets - I knitted one and crotcheted a couple when I was expecting my babies, but have to admit it's not my strong point! I'm ok if it's square or rectangular and I only have to knit or pearl! Looking forward to seeing yours :-)
@Jenn - yes, it is nice indeed, but I mine is using all the colours, you know using rest of used wool.
@Jo - I know that your passion is writing and it is the right one for you!
@Jenni - they are not mine, but maybe one day I will open a shop on Etsy, one of my dreams!
@LindaK - same here, squares and rectangular shapes are my friends :)
I love cooking but not sure how I'd do knitting - my grandma tried to teach me when I was young, maybe I should give it another try.
My passion is writing poetry and music so I combine the two on my blog.
I learned to knit when I was at an early age, in recent years have let it go by the wayside due to arthitis in my hands.
Loved your blog and all the creations you have made. Well done.
Though looking at blanket will never make me want to knit, they sure make me want to buy some :o) lol. Nice to meet you! New follower from A-Z :)
I never did learn to knit...should have paid better attention when my grandmother tried to teach me. I can sew, but sitting over a sewing machine does nothing for me. My creativity lies in plants and gardens and making nice meals when I have a crowd for dinner.
Really enjoying your posts.
Kathy at Oak Lawn Images
Fantastic blankets, love the multi-colored one. I used to knit a lot at one time, but haven't done anything for years!
I like the first photo with the heart blanket, and also the pink stripey one! Can't wait to see your finished blanket my friend. I think it's wonderful how you enjoy doing all these crafty things - it's so good to seem them all coming back again with the younger generation. Yes, you Claudia, are the younger generation!! Hee Hee!!
Wonderful choices, thanks for sharing! I crochet more than I knit, and the though of knitting a whole blanket makes my head spin. It would take me years!
Stopping by from the A-Z Challenge, blogging at Ross County Roundup and Write, Wrong or Indifferent.
Ah, makes me wish for a good book and a cup of tea to just curl up and lose myself. Thanks for the nice dream time.......
@Brenda - OK, I will add you on my potential customers list :) Good to know!
@Jennifer - same with me, my grandmother taught me, and I rediscovered the passion in the last year!
@Welcome to the world - thank you for your words of appreciation!
@Jessica - welcome, thank you for being my follower!
@Kathy - your passions sound great to me, can I come to dinner?
@Paula - it relaxes me a lot!
@Diane - younger generation sounds good!
@Danneromero - hey I won two potential customers, sound good :)
@Marie Anne - well it takes me months, but I still believe that the end product will bring me lots of joy!
@Amy - dreaming sounds good to me!
you know - knitting is one thing that baffles me - I am still bitter that its the only badge I couldn't earn in Brownies
Those knitted blankets are beautiful! I've tried my hand at knitting and crocheting. Not very good at the crocheting. My grandma tried to teach me, but I think it was hopeless.
@Laura - I hope I will finish it by the end of the year, so when winter will be present I will be warm :) when done I will post the result :) promise!
@Jaipi - I thought so too!
@Baygirl - but you got other badges, I got none :(
@Susanne - I always find fascinating how our grandmothers taught us so many things!
@Lost Star - thank you!
The blankets are truly lovely!! Great C post!!
My mom used to crochet a lot when she worked the graveyard shift, I've always wanted to make some cute blankets but my only needle-activity is embroidery which is a lot of fun too.
Oh! I love the one in the second picture! So colorful and inviting at the same time.
@Kathy - thank you so much!
@Elizabeth - embroidery is a lot of fun, I agree, did not do it since I was a teenager though.
@Deborah - yes, similar to the one I am busy doing at the moment!
Claudia, you are so talented! I really enjoy crocheting and would like to crocket a sweater or vest. I've mainly crocheted blankets and dish cloths. I need to take a risk! Thanks for sharing. :)
I'd love a blanket with rows of the hearts like are in that first one, each row being a different color combo.
@Sarah - good news :)
@Beth - maybe one day I will be so good and knit one for you
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