A smile is such a powerful thing - and what a wonderful way of reminding us.
Great "X" post.
Jenny @ Pearson Report
Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Thanks for this wonderful reminder, Claudia!
Have a lovely weekend and happy A to Z!!
@Jenny - I agree, I dedicated to this word (smile) two posts during the challenge!
@Sush - promise, I will remain myself no matter what
@Karen - sweet of you
@Amy - so true, a smile can change a whole situation
@Laura - happy weekend as well and I hope you enjoy the challenge as well
@Abigail - thank you for kind words of appreciation!
@Izdiher - sure!
@Beachlover - glad you enjoyed it!
@November Rain - great, I enjoy cofee a lot as you know :)
@Lynn - smart choice for an adjective LOl
@Heidi - thank you, happy weekend for you too!
@Doreen - thank you and welcome on my followers list!
@Joyce - thanks!
@Jo - so true
@Louise - thank yoi
by Alice Munro
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