Die Natur bietet so viele schöne Pfade der Erholung, das hier ist einer davon...
Lieben Gruß
@Cloudy - das ist wohl wahr!
@Olympia - so true, I enjoyed the place a lot!
@Maria - it isworth it
@Luan - very lush :)
@Chica - gracias, para ti un bon fin de semana :)
@Lisa - right
@Chloe - welcome :)
@Paul - yes, adequate for achill moment
That is a beautiful shot. It looks like such a tranquil and lovely place. I'd love to take a walk along there. :)
That is beautiful! So vibrant, angular, and deep. Thankyou!!!
I'm joining you now, via Fiona's hop. My sis is Mary (the M on the circle). She invited me too so it is meant to be.
Join me? I am #25 with the little gray doggie.
Oh, I just love the thought of walking there....just the picture brings so much peace! I'm so glad that I came over from Green Day!! Joan
@Evi - good, it is worth it!
@Ellie - maybe one day, I am sure you will find a similar corner in your part of the world
@Renae - welcome, thank you for joining
@Joan - welcome, thank you for your kind words!
I'd love to join you on a walk there! I'm visiting from Green Day.
Hi Claudia,
Gorgeous photo.
Thanks for linking up with Green Day
Have a great week (are you home or travelling?)
~ Fiona
by Alice Munro
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