Que árvore linda, e alta, não? Beijos, feliz green day!
Ola Cláudia, belíssima foto! O verde lindo das árvores e o chão atapetado pelo branco da neve. Adorei. Abraço Ailime
What a lovely snowy picture. It's snowing quite heavily at the moment - if it continues through the night it will be a cosy day at home tomorrow!
What a lovely picture - the green really looks great against the white of the snow.
Claudia, sua foto é de tirar o fôlego! Linda demais! Grande abraço e lindo final de semana!
It truly is a gorgeous scene. I love the majestic evergreens against the white backdrop of snow!
Happy weekend!:-)
Dearest Claudia,
Beautiful picture of green with snow♬♬♬ ☃
I hope you are not feeling too cold in your place.
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
To all - thank you for your kind words, I am sad to inform you that today we have rain, grey atmosphere and no ray of sun forecasted for the next 3 days!
by Alice Munro
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