Posted by Claudia Moser
12:50 PM
Asadar, Polonia rurala. Ma gasesc in nordul tarii, in regiunea Kashubia, langa Gdansk intr-un satuc numit Stabienino. Mi-e foarte frig si incerc sa imi inving aceasta stare cu mult ceai. De ce sunt aici? Particip la o conferinta pe tema educatia adultilor in mediul rural, unde voi prezenta o strategie de educatia adultilor in mediul rural prin intermediul telecentrelor. Daca sunteti curiosi aruncati o privire pe, pagina de web a proiectului Gruntvig 1 care a avut drept rezultat acest produs.
Evenimentul are loc intr-un Folk High School, participantii vin din 8 tari din Europa Centrala si de Est si astept cu interes desfasurarea evenimentului.
Sincera sa fiu ma simt un pic obosita si mai ales stresata dupa ce am vazut ca prezentarea mea va fi facuta dupa un speech rostit de un parlamentar european din Polonia. Sper sa ma ridic la nivelul asteptarilor, mai ales ca sunt singura persoana non poloneza care are o prezentare in plenary session. Nu ma plang sunt mandra, dar totusi ...
Cam astea pana acum! Am spus ca mi-e frig? :)
"A story is not like a road to follow … it's more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the room and corridors relate to each other, how the world outside is altered by being viewed from these windows. And you, the visitor, the reader, are altered as well by being in this enclosed space, whether it is ample and easy or full of crooked turns, or sparsely or opulently furnished. You can go back again and again, and the house, the story, always contains more than you saw the last time. It also has a sturdy sense of itself of being built out of its own necessity, not just to shelter or beguile you."
by Alice Munro