High & Low

The pattern repeats itself, another Wednesday, another trip in Estonia, in Narva, where we are currently active business wise.
Somehow, being back to work after 2 weeks of holiday, life returned to its normal pace, and the enthusiam which I had having the whole family together fades away. Please don't understand me wrong, I am not unhappy or anything, it is just that the hype is not so pregnant anymore.
Anyway, I am supposed to write about my highs and lows. For sure the low is under the sign of work, after 12 hours today, I am allowed to be a bit low, at least with energy level right?
But on the bright side, the hotel does have a spa facility including a small pool, a sauna area and jacuzzi, and during afternoon meetings I was dreaming of the water and the calmness after 1 hour swim.
So the moment I got back into the room, I changed and went straight to the pool. Very refreshing, nice strokes, swim, delight! A definetly high! Then I rested a bit in the jacuzzi and had a wonderful picture in front of my eyes. A young mother with a son of no more than 18 months and a 3 year old daughter wandering around and trying to keep both children busy. They ended up at the jacuzzi, circling around and playing with water, drops falling into my face and children giggling. Such a nice picture, it gave me suddenly so much energy to see the children's delight marked on their faces! After one of these moments, the day can only be high.
Too bad I feel a cold lingering, but hey! tomorrow is another day!