High & Low

What a day! Storms night, heavy rains, thunder, lightning, lot of noise. Then silence, quiet morning, lot of work, but in the end a normal day. And then just before I wanted to leave, another storm broke loose. The nature's power is amazing!
Since there was nothing else spectacular about the day, I thought I will adjust one challenge from a Romanian blog which I follow, so here we are!
Nominate a band or an artist which you liked as a child / teenager and now you are thinking why :)
Jason Donovan was the first which came into my mind, I still am able to hum his songs, I was a big fan and I still remember how one classmate gave me one of his albums (Ten Good Reasons) and I was exctatic!
Nominate a band or an artist which you hated and now you like
Well, this was hard since I like music in general and I don't associate hate with it. But I wasn't a big fan of the Stones, and now I truly enjoy hearing them!
Nominate a band or an artist which you liked and still do so!
This is easy, I always enjoyed Bee Gees (I even dedicated a post to them for the May Challenge!), it was the music my mom listen to while pregnant with you, sot it is really special!
Nominate a song which gives you the beat
Motown song, what else? :)
And to end, nominate the current favourite song