
When Beth posted this weekly theme under the GBE2, namely Balance, I thought how suitable knowing that my astrological sign is Libra, which also has as interpretation the Balance, the equilibrum.
Some of the positive traits of the people born under this sign are: diplomacy, romance, charm, easy going, sociable, peacful, always in search of equality. On the negative side you will find indecision, easy influenced, gullable, flirtacious. A lot of details you will find here.
As my birthday approaches, and for me it is quite a special one, I will 35 years old, and as a colleague of mind told me, I reach the maturity level, thus now my decisions will for sure impact the future, I thought a lot of where I am and where I want to go in the next 35 years (hoping that I will reach 70).
So here we are, at a crossroad, thinking of how I will find my balance in the years ahead. I am grateful that I am healthy, and I wish that will stay like this for a long time, since without health you cannot achieve anything in life. I am grateful for my family, for their support and constant love, and I know that will alawys be able to count on their presence. I am far away from old friends, but with the help of Internet and with persistance, I was able to keep them in my life until now. I wish they will be by my side for years to come, and I am grateful for the new ones I met. I am grateful that I am havng a job I like, and I will for sure keep on developing my skills and knowledge to be more succesful since I believe that the professional side is important for ones's life. I am grateful that I am writing, able to share my thoughts and taking in depths moments.
In the end I am sure that my path so far brought me to a nice plcae and if I will be able to continue it, my happy feeling will be a constant. Yes, I am garteful, the hardships and challenges, did bring balance and my quest will be to keep this equilibrum.