Work work
“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
by Donald Kendall
A very suitable theme for this week's GBE2 post, work, why? Well, just started my new working year, manic Monday indeed. I will not mention the high number of emails, I will not consider the long list of travels ahead (might even land in India!!), I will not focus on my long to do list. And you know why? Cos I actually like my job, I did look forward to get back, to be active, to see my colleagues, to have a nice cup of coffee at 7am with some nice coworkers, to discuss with my team.
You go to work five days a week, thus for the most part, your job is your life. If you have a job that you dread going to every morning, sooner or later it will catch up with you and force you to make a change, therefore it does help to actually like your job.
Some time ago I found this graph and thought well, lucky me, I do rock :)

I am blessed of having a job which I like, where I am appreciated, and my quest of success is on the right track (I hope!). Sometimes it helps to ponder and realise that life is good!