My all time favourite author is Agatha Christie, her books keep me
fascinated after so many years, I always turn to her when I need to escape and
immerge myself in a wonderful, exciting world.
doing some reading on the world wide web, I found an interview taken in
Slovenia in 1967 from which I would like to share some lines with you.
you mind telling us how the ideas are born and how do they develop into novel?
how the ideas come?"
slowly repeated the question, sitting in the chair and her fingers of right
hand, as if they are searching something on the chair, wrinkle cover and move
away a cup of tea.
could actually picture this)
come suddenly, I even don't know how. Whenever: when I am listening to opera,
walking on the street hey come from everywhere! Also, when a smart idea falls
into your head, which you like, you have to build a believable story from it.
Suddenly faces grow as well, one by one. And then comes this unpleasant day,
when you have to sit down and everything what had beautifully grown put on
paper. Yes, the first part is much more fun!"
true, indeed writing is like this, I am sure we can all relate to this!)
writers of detective stories buy ideas. What about you?
I like ideas which fall into my head, that's more fun!"
can't imagine adds her husband how many letters we get: Here, an excellent idea
for a novel! We answer: Then write it yourself!."
(well, I
guess they were right!)
For more
please read here.
From her
characters, I am mostly draw towards Poirot, he has so many traits which are so
well create, his obsession for neatness, his 'grey cells', his speech.
then, I stumbled upon this interview, where David
Suchet (the best ever Poirot!) gave his view on his role:
In terms of approaching the character of Hercule Poirot, was it a
conscious decision to soften the character's manner and develop him as a more
well-rounded individual, as opposed to the more rigid character Christie wrote?
forgive me, but I think the premise is mistaken. When I was asked to play
Poirot, the Agatha Christie estate made the point that she wrote a character
who was far more full-dimensional than we had seen up to that time on the
screen, where he had been turned into a kind of buffoon. Agatha Christie's fans
would never have been gripped by someone like that. From my own reading of
nearly every single word that she wrote about Poirot, I would agree. In some
books, some short stories, yes, he's less developed than in others. But in books
like Murder on the Orient Express, there are sections that
point to a very perturbed inner life. This side of him was totally ignored in
the 1974 Sidney Lumet film of Murder on the Orient Express.
People who see Poirot as just one- or two-dimensional are those who are basing
their opinions on the movies rather than the books.
What characteristics of
Poirot have kept the public so captivated by him over the years?
It's different for
so many people. But there's one thing that comes up again and again in my fan
mail, and that is his kindness. People warm to his kindness, his gentility, his
courtesy, and his manners.
What is your favorite Poirot
His attention to
detail is just wonderful. In Christie's books, he is always talking about the
details, the details, the details. That is very ME as an actor and as a person;
I'm an appreciator of detail. So I guess I have revealed one trait we have in
Conversely, which of his
traits do you find most peeving?
He can be a bit of
a pain in the backside, because of his overly tidiness. His dedicated
bachelorhood is also something that I have to work hard at. Although I am tidy
and I like to maintain a certain order in my life, it's nothing like his; his
is almost clinical.
And now you know how much this subject is of interest for me! And guess what? Tonight I will re-read some chapters from Murder on the Orient Express, this will be fun!
(this was the best movie made after Agatha Christie's book, even if not with my favourite Poirot cast)
Happy Thursday!