Das gefällt mir, ein Plätzchen zum verweilen, zum philosophieren...
Lieben Gruß
Stopping by from Green Day. What a lovely spot, great captures of the shadows. Have a wonderful weekend.
@CL - danke sehr, es ist in Frankfurt, Palmen Garten, super schoen!
@Eileen - welcome :) and have a nice weekend as well!
Lovely greenery - a very pretty place to take pictures. Visiting from Green Day :)
such a peaceful and lovely shot....I would spread a blanket in the dappled light..
@Ellie - thank you for your visit :)
@TexWisGirl - indeed very lush
@Mary - thanks, love nature and love to take shots!
@Karen - the desert has its beauty as well
@Joanne - what a great idea!
How lovely and peaceful. I love sitting in the shade of trees on a sunny day! I can remember being able to do that in peace before I had my two hyper kids! :)
@Andrea - indeed, very soothing
@BShell - it was supposed to be green right!
@Sexta - that is true, many chose it just for that
@Eileen - that too :)
@BB - so true
Hi Claudia
Greetings from Ireland (where the sun is shining
I can hardly believe it - no rain!)
Thanks for joining up with "Green Day" Claudia
I am sorry that I am so late in visiting you but I was on holiday and only arrived back in the early hours of this morning, so lots and lots of catching up to do!
Lovely photo.
Wishing you a happy Thursday
Take care
Fiona x
I love the Motto at the bottom, Its amazing and so true. I hope you don't mind I have copied it into my book of quotes at home. Thank you xx
@Fioma - funnily enough we have sommer in Germany as well :)) thank you for your kind comments, happy you are back :)
@Kat - thank you and I am happy you enjoyed Alice Munro's quote, she is an amazing writer!
by Alice Munro
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