Never judge a book by its cover
by Franz Kafka

Whenever I have a low moment and going through tough times I always turn to a book, it calms me down, it shows me most of time an answer to my questions. You have this
"awakening" experience. You had a cloudy overcast day and then you looked up from reading a specific passage in a book and really seeing the world different for the first time ever in my life.
There are authors which did change my childhood, making it adventurous and full of fun: Jules Verne, Agatha Christie, George Simenon.
Growing up I turned to Dan Brown, Michael Chrichton, Clive Cussler.
One constant are mystery books, I love to solve puzzles and I still remember how I discovered M. C. Beaton's work. Some Saturdays find me in the town library, searching for new authors or appealing titles. And here it was, Dearh of a Cad, interesting title, author never known before. I devoured the book in an afternoon and I bought all her series, with Agatha Raisin and Hamish MacBeth. Her books are always worth an escape!
My current favourites? Alice Munro and Jorge Bucay.
A book may look harmless and uninteresting, but you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value by its outward appearance alone. Books are opening new perspectives, you travel in unnamed worlds, having simply amazing experiences. My advice, read!