One of my favourite things in the world is coffee, I cannot imagine any day without at least a cup (well in the end I have around 7 but who is counting?)

Picture from here
As for summer I thought that my holiday trip would suit perfectly the theme. And what would be more adequate that to let the pictures speak? We spend a week in Germany this summer (well it was not really summer), in Nürnberg (Peter's hometown) and in Augsburg (where my family lives). Below the collection of the best pictures, enjoy!
Walking towards the old town, starting along the river Pegnitz.
On the riverbanks of Pegnitz, in Nuernberg.
Old town, with Heilig-Geist-Spital in the background.
The entry to the Heilig-Geist-Spital, very romantic right? Peter told me that this the best view in town, all the lovers meet on the bridge to watch it!
St. Sebald church
A wonderful view from old town, and the light was gorgeous!
The royal castle from the distance
The most wonderful street in Fürth, a city close to Nürnberg. Peter took me there since he knew how much I love architecture, and this is indeed special. I called it the Nouveau Riche street. The name is actually Königswarter strasse.
I loved the windows!
What an amazing corner for a house!
View from the royal castle, I took several photos to try to capture the city's charm!
This is a close-up for the old town, the buildings are simply wonderful!
Intricate streets!
In the middle of old town
Now Augsburg's old town, a view towards the church.
I loved these red windows!
A sneak view!
An unusual house in the center!
The Catholic church Pfarramt St. Moritz
The Basilika St. Ulrich und Afra!
And the townhall
I hope you enjoyed the trip, for sure we did, the architecture is special in all three towns!