Another type of weekend
‘If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.’
by Maya Angelou
At the beginning of this week I was so excited about this weekend, so many plans!
In my town, there is a special event, called Laternen Fest (the lights celebration) which gathers so many people from the region. It is like a fair, with fun events, lots of amazing food and a great atmosphere.
Then one of my great friends has birthday today and her parties are always amazing!
But ...
Sadly Peter is sick, very very sick. He started with 39 degrees fever and he ended up at 41 degrees. Friday evening he was so cold, he was freezing and since then the fever doesn't seem to want to leave him be. I called the emergency doctor, got some medicine and the fever is droping but not as much as I wish for. He is very weak, and without any apetite. And I worry ... I feel helpless, and I don't know what to do. I cancelled all the planes and I watch him.
Since I cannot just lay around and do nothing, and since I have not much apetite I did 2 dips which I highly recommend. With chips or toast, very delicious! Avocado dip and roasted garlic and beans dip!

Now back to my reading (Bucay) and to my hope for his speedy recovery!