High & Low
1. What gives you goosebumps?
Unknown dogs, darkness and being alone in an empty house. And for sure the cold temperatures in Estonia during winter time. Believe me there is truly cold!
2. Halloween—are you a lover or a hater? Okay, that sounds harsh...Halloween—yay or nay?
Halloween is not part of my culture, I do appreciate the 'madness' and like to see the kids be happy. Europe is getting more and more open towards this holiday, but it still takes some years until we will get similar dimensions as in USA.
3. Can you respect someone you do not trust, and can you trust someone you do not respect?
No and no. Trust for me means to rely upon a person's integrity and character and that for sure involves mutual respect.
4. Apples or oranges? Yes, you have to choose.
Apples. Love them in any shapes, size, meal :)
5. What is something you wish was in your town (shop, restaurant, attraction, etc.)?
Would love a river in order to walk on its banks.
6. What non-food item is in your refrigerator or freezer?
To be honest none
7. Are you at all superstitious?
Sometimes :) This question reminded me of a cartoon which I would like to share with you.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Just realised how nice our home looks under the delicate lights of candles. Love cosy evenings at home, simply sharing moments with my husband.