Tasty Tuesday - Potato gratin

The original recipe comes from here, I tried it and all I can say is that I did not even have a chance to snap a picture, it was so delicious that we ate it in a second or two :)
For 6 people you will need:
1,25 kg potatoes
3 fillets of pork (à ca. 330 g)
3–4 spoons of olive oil
1 onion
125 g diced bacon
1 spoon tomato puree
italien spices
500 g diced tomatoes
150 ml stock
50 g cream
sweet Paprika
75 g Gouda cheese
rosmarin and oregano
1. Clean the potatoes and boil them for 25 Minutes. Then peel them, cut them in thin slices and set them aside.
2. In the meantime dice the meat and grill it for 12 Minutes in oil. Add salt and pepper and them set them aside.
3. Clean the onions, dice them and together with the bacon add them in the already used oil. After they are a bit done, add the tomato puree, tomatoes, cream and the stock. Add salt, pepper and paprika together with the italian spices. Boil them for 10 minutes till you get a nice sauce.
4. Use a temperature resistant form, add grease on the walls and add the potatoes in layers on the bottom as well as on walls. Add the meat in the middle and then add the sauce together with the rosmarin. On top add the grated cheese and put it in oven at 200 degrees for 25 Minutes.
I served it with salad and was delicious!