It was good that you brought your laptop and phone ;) and that you could sort out the little dilemma they had.
Have a lovely evening!
You were in the right place at the right time and lucky for them! Enjoy your evening!
It's hard for me to separate from my phone and laptop. Fortunately for your colleagues you had yours and were their guardian angel by happenstance!
Sounds like you were well prepared to defuse any problems that came up. Kudos to you!
@Laura - thank ou for your kind words
@Joyce :)
@Sofia - very sweet of you to compare m with an angel :)
@Heidi - I dd even though it was a short night
@Anna - usually when on holiday I try to leave them at home
@Susanne - that s my job. As a project manage you have to solve problems!
@Jo - now I am blushing ;)
@Beachlover - so true, modern technology helps indeed!
There's a reason for everything, even if we don't realize it at the time. Good work!!
Visiting from GBE2.
by Alice Munro
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