There's something about castles that makes me feel nostalgic. Nice photos, Claudia. :)
So weit im Süden unseres Landes bin ich noch nie gewesen, ist schon traurig, man kommt herum, aber...
Lieben Gruß
Dearest Claudia,
I love castles and my sweet memory of visiting "Schloss Neuschwanstein" was so wonderful. Marvelous to have these places to close by, isn't it♬♬♬
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
@Elizabeth - are you coming to Germany?
@Miyako - the Neuschwanstein castle is really special, a magical place!
@Steven - thanks!
I lived in Germany for three years '94 - '97 and just loved the castles! Though I had been to many big ones like in Heidelberg and even Neushwanstein I liked one that was close to my home the best because you could walk through it by yourself and just imagine what it would have been like to have lived there. And at Christmas time of course it was a marketplace. I lived in Hanau which is about 30 minutues from the castle in your picture I think. I miss Germany! I love seeing your photos.
Wow, how lovely!! Castles capturemy imagination!
I do love seeing all the beautiful and old places you have visited. I have not been to Germany, but I would surely love to see this place!
@Kathi - you did live in Germany? Wow! And yes, you are right, the castles are amazing! Christmas time is very special in Germany, one of the best places to do winter shopping. And you know what? You lived very close to where I live now! And in case you want to visit let me know!
@Kathy - indeed they do, so romantic and mysterious!
@Brenda - thanks my dear, you are also brilliant with your camera!
@Jo - you would, want to come? :)
How amazing to be able to visit castles! Not too many around this area. Never been to one. Something so romantic, yet mysterious about them. Beautiful pics!
Beautiful. Loved the castles I saw in Scotland, and this one if just as pretty.
@Suzy - yes, fairy tales with princes and damsels in distress :)
@KAT - Germany has many, this was actually small!
@Angela - Scotland is also amazing!
@Beth - that is the viewfrom one castle to the other :)
@KAT - that is true, people had a great idea to build such retreats!
Lovely snapshots Claudia. It is wonderful to know about various beautiful places across the globe.
@Joyce - thank you
@Tikulicious - that is true, I also enjoy seeing other places!
by Alice Munro
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