I have a dream

Dreams could be generous, serving the better goods of others, dreams could be insignificant, just attached to a certain moment. But I do believe in the power of dreams, they are the energy behind some our unexplained actions.
Some of latest dreams:
To take a cruise with Peter, to simply enjoy the salty smells, to loose myself in the endless blue, to have just for a second the feeling of being stranded.
To sleep more, somehow after New Year's Eve I feel the lack of good sound deep sleep. But in the end you cannot plan it, but you have the chance of dreaming more right? :)
To find silence of mind, so many thoughts, so many ideas. Just to rest, relax and enjoy the lack of words, actions, facts.
To have a weekend just for us, without any plans. And you know what I have a feeling that this weekend will be just that! Am I a dreamer? Maybe ...