High & Low

When I woke up this morning, after 13 hours of sleep, I had a brief moment of thinking. I had the choice, either I will give in and continue to have a bad mood like yesterday or gather my energy and make the most of it.
A bit of background. On the way back from Tallinn to Frankfurt, while waiting for the plane to take off, an unknown lady sitting behind me, tried to shovle her bad while the steward was closing the lid from the luggage tray. Anyway their movements were not coordinated and the lady's bag ended up on my head with a metalic part hitting my forehead and nose. Needless to say that I am still recovering, horrid headaches.
And now back to today. I still have the headaches, I am still not able to focus all the times, according to my doctor I have a minor brain swelling which needs to heal, and this takes time.
I chose the positive attitude, I am trying to relax, to read as much as I can without becoming too tired. I hope that by Monday all will be better. Fingers crossed!
As for the high and low, I chose the HIGH! :)