What a peaceful looking photo at the beginning of this post today. That quote by Albert Einstein is so very true. I hope you're having a lovely break my friend and managing to get some good relaxing time in! Happy Easter to you and Peter.
@Diane - thank you for your kind words, happy Easter for you too!
@Mina - yes, I discovered that by giving just a little you receive so much more!
What a beautiful scene! Thanks for sharing! ~ Angela, Whole Foods Living, http://www.wholefoodsliving.blogspot.com/
I walked to town this morning and saw so many buds on the trees and bushes - it was really heart-lifting :-)
@Whole Foods - welcome!
@Sandra - you could always go into nature!
@LindaK - spring is a great season
@Danneromero - thank you
@Susanne - happy Easter for you as well!
What a beautiful place! I'd love to visit someday.
For now...time to go outside to some of the beautiful places in my neck of the woods. Thanks for the reminder.
Happy Easter Weekend! Enjoy the A to Z Challenge!
Giving is so important. I find that when you give something, or of yourself, it comes back more than you had before. Giving back to Nature is very important too.
Thanks for stopping by my 'G'post and have a very Happy Easter.
Kathy at Oak Lawn Images
Just read this after a two hour walk outside with my husband. Perfect timing and a lovely post!
Lovely picture and getting outdoors is always good advice. Except Michiganders in winter...stay in!
Just breathes in both the image, and the quote.
Thank you.
A-Z 2012 (#49) - Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 - Poetry
A-Z 2012 (#861) - Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 - Haiku
So true. They've done studies and found that people's brains contain more serotonin--a chemical that produces happy feeling, after giving versus after receiving. Great photos!
Catch My Words
Great picture and wonderful motto. Giving is more rewarding. It's a pity not more people understand.
I love your picture and your short and sweet take to the letter G.
Love the photos!
Happy A to Z!
All on Blogspot.com and all in the A to Z Challenge:
Heart of a Ready Writer – Bible &Devotional
Meme Express – Daily Blog Prompts (A to Z)
Nickers and Ink – Featuring favorite classic poems from A to Z
Practically at Home – See what fellow writers are cited – with article links!
The Mane Point –Profiling special horses from A to Z
Working in Words – Writing How-to’s
Simply Snickers is not posting daily in the A to Z Challenge, but you are invited to comment with your A to Z/NaPoWriMo poetry links!
Click my name/icon for links to all these blogs! Happy A-to-Z!
@Lynn - I wish the weather was better, I'd take a walk now too
@Mlle Poirot - thank you so much, for you too!
@Amy - that is a very nice thing to say, thank you
@Jo - well you are right :)
@November - welcome :)
@Joyce - good result for the study, I am sure it is true
@Elizabeth - thanks
@Jennifer - Germany has lots of lovely places like that
@David - so true
@Sharon - maybe one day ...
@Kirsty - indeed
@Izdiher - thank you
@Kathy - well sometimes you don't need too many words, do you?
@alinda - enjoy the challenge as well!
I want to be where that photograph is!
Hope you had a happy, peaceful, Easter Claudia.
by Alice Munro
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